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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Christmas Pudding Ice Cream - My Recipe for the Good Food Channel

Christmas Pudding, love or hate it, you will undoubtedly have your fair share of this stodgy but lovely English pudding this coming season. It is also likely that one or possibly  several of these babies will be left in your cupboards come the end of the Christmas festivities. If all that gloriously heavy and rich food has finally got to you by then, there is no better way to use up your Christmas pudding leftovers than in this easy to make and deliciously refreshing Christmas Pudding Ice Cream.

As with most ice-creams, the base mixture is made from Crème Anglaise or a light custard. The beauty of it is that this mixture can be infused with an huge variety of different ingredients, which means that most flavoured ice-cream can be made from this "starter" mixture. The humble vanilla ice cream is made from infusing crème anglaise with vanilla seeds, green tea ice cream with matcha powder, chocolate ice cream with high-quality melted chocolate, so the variations are endless. For this Christmas Pudding Ice Cream recipe I am using a number of spices which are found in the pudding itself including cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and vanilla to flavour the custard base.

For top quality ice cream, the most important elements are a good crème anglaise  which is well flavoured and lump-free, excellent quality ingredients and a good ice-cream maker which will churn the ice cream, breaking the ice crystals as it freezes. Domestic ice cream makers can be purchased from as little as £20, and are in my opinion a well worth investment for what they deliver.

For my Christmas Pudding Ice Cream recipe, visit the Good Food Channel website by clicking here or for my chef's profile go here.



  1. Loving the idea of Christmas Pudding Ice Cream. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. This looks absolutely delicious, what a great idea. I am going to remember your recipe for next month :)

  3. great idea..looks quite delicious...have to try it this year here in Spain


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