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Thursday, 22 July 2010

London Supper Club – Lex Eat Supper Club

Lex Eat Supper Club

Lex Eat is special. Visiting Lex Eat is one of those experiences that truly reinforce my love for this amazing City. If the label “boutique supper club” could ever be used, they would most certainly be a very strong contender.

Started by the two gorgeous Aussie lawyers, Alexis and Yohanna, from their flat in Islington just over a year ago, Lex Eat has since then gained a huge following, and their evenings, much talked about in London’s supper club circuit, are well oversubscribed.

Unlike other popular London supper clubs, Lex Eat holds dinners monthly (or whenever they can or want to), and as they are not in this for the income, it is also one the best value supper clubs in London.

The Location

On my visit, the supper club was still located at Alexis and Yohanna’s beautiful loft apartment in Islington, but they have since then moved to another flat on Regent’s Canal in Hackney. I will be returning to their supper club at their new location on 14th November and will report back.

Alexis and Yohanna’s style and décor are casual but very stylish. From the colourful table arrangements to the beautiful ornaments and furniture scattered around their flat, they create an intimate, light and fun setting for their evenings.

While their former location could seat up to 16-18 people, their new flat will only accommodate 7-8 diners who will also have the pleasure to eat with both hosts at their table.

The Food

We kicked off with a delightful “Pea and Pancetta Risotto”. The rice had been perfectly cooked - the grains were still slightly al dente and had a delicious creaminess. A small dollop of mascarpone cheese, thinly sliced pancetta and fresh basil leaves helped to finish off a well executed dish.

For main course, Yohanna served us “Stuffed de-boned chicken, Dauphinoise of Sweet Potatoes and a medley of green beans, sugar snaps and asparagus”. This was a simple but delicious dish and, as the starter, the combination of flavours was excellent.

The chicken, stuffed with truffled mushrooms, was tender and juicy and tasted delicious. The Dauphinoise potatoes had been very thinly sliced with a mandolin and were beautifully cooked in plenty of cream. The greens were deliciously crunchy and combined well with the other elements of the dish.

Like all good supper clubs, seconds were offered to anyone wanting more chicken and potatoes. The main was accompanied by Alexis’ homemade bread, and a refreshing lemon sorbet was served as a palate cleanser prior to pudding.

The dessert was a delicious treacle and preserved fig tart served with vanilla ice cream. The pastry was light and crumbly as good homemade pastry should be. I enjoyed this dessert a great deal, and felt that the ice cream complemented the rich tart flavours really well. I also enjoyed the simple and elegant presentation of this dish.

The People

The supper club is run by Alexis and Yohanna; they are both Australian lawyers living in London for the last two years. Alexis does most of the cooking while Yohanna does front of house – Yohanna not only greets everyone in but also remembers the name of every single diner, I was totally impressed.

Alexis is passionate about cooking and decided to start their supper club to meet other foodies in their newly adopted country. Yohanna plays the trumpet and trombone in two different bands, and is now getting into food photography.

The Drinks

Lex Eat is BYO and no corkage is levied. A delightful cocktail was served as a welcoming drink, and to match our dessert, two half bottles of 2008 Brown Brothers, Orange Muscat and Flora Special Late Harvested, was offered free of charge by Alexis and Yohanna and shared among all diners.

Good quality cafetiere coffee and teas were also served after dessert.

Other Stuff

Alexis and Yohanna write the amazing blog “LexEat!” (see my “London Supper Clubs I Recommend” list).

Future dates for their supper club evenings are 7th and 14th August, 2nd October and 14th November.

Cost: minimum donation of £20 per person – the best value supper club in London.

Likes: great food, excellent value, and most charming hosts.

Dislikes: more dates please!

Verdict: A gem of a supper club, Lex Eat is special. Great food, charming hosts, intimate and stylish location, and now one of my favourite top three supper clubs in London. Very highly recommended.


  1. I can't WAIT for our November visit - great write up!

  2. This cannot be... Top 3 of Luiz' list..... The review is fantastic, the place looks fantastic, the food looks fantastic, the quirky little bits & bob's look fantastic, they look fantastic. I gotta go. Count me in for November. Come on London supper clubs, this is what we are talking about. Make your mark, innovate and keep London's underground dining scene the best in the world. Very pleased for them and good for us all. Well done Lex Eat - The Friday Food Club think you look great.

  3. Your review is absolutely spot on. Lex Eat has it all going on; creative, delicious, well balanced food, stylish venue, great music, excellent value - and always the warmest of receptions. Am counting down the days to my next supper booking on 2 October in their new home. Well done Lex Eat!

  4. Wow guys thank you, this is truly humbling. But you fail to give/take credit for the best and most important ingredient of them all - wonderful guests like yourselves!

  5. Lovely post and I couldn't agree more. I had such a wonderful evening at LexEat. Wonderful food, hosting and location. I am revisiting in October and am very much looking forward to it. :)

  6. I enjoyed reading your review. So many lovely Supper Clubs, so little time! Thanks Luiz.

  7. @ Kavey - neither can I! And this time we will be eating together with Alexis and Yohanna which is amazing for a supper club.

    @ Lee - kind of you to show your support for other London supper clubs Lee, pls get booking for November!

    @ Marisa - thank you for your comment Marisa and welcome to my blog.

    @ Yohanna - you are just as charming as I remember my dear, really looking forward to seeing you again on 14th November.

    @ Eatlikeagirl - thanks Niamh, LexEat is such a gem of a supper club and more people should be aware and visit it, Alexis and Yohanna are doing an amazing job.

    @ @Ritchietom - Hi Riccardo, indeed we are blessed with some excellent supper clubs in London, and I am definitely eating my way through them!

  8. Aw Luiz I'm blushing!
    What a lovely review - thank you!

    As Y said, for us, the best part of hosting a supper club is the wonderfully interesting and passionate foodies we get to meet, like you, Eat Like a Girl and Marisa - I think in London super clubs provide an opportunity/"permission" to talk to strangers, and without such wonderful strangers, the whole concept would be nothing!

    Thanks again so much - we look forward to seeing you soon!


    p.s. thanks to your readers for their comments too!

  9. Wow great review and to make your top 3 when you have visited so many supper club Luiz is very impressive. Lex congratulations!

  10. @ Lex - it was great meeting you and Yohanna too at your delightful supper club, and I hope I have done you some justice with my post. Really looking fwd to seeing you again soon.

    @ Gourmet Chick - another great supper club that definitely all London foodies should be trying. I am coming on 14th Nov, why don't you come to Cara?

  11. Hi Luiz - great review and congrats to Lex! I can't wait to try myself.

  12. @ Greedy Diva - so get booking darling, we are going back there on 14th November, pls join us if you can!

  13. My god you get around - hope all is well
    Bad Batz Maru

  14. Hi there, I am in London 27 June - 11 July 2012 and also first half of August 2012. I'm on a much-needed metropolis-hit of a Euro visit, all the way from being a lawyer in Outback Australia in tiny Alice Springs. Can anyone recommend a supper club I would get into? Would love to try this! LexEat! sounds just wonderful! my email is tierneycl@gmail.com if yes! Cheers, Caitlin


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