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Saturday, 17 July 2010

London Cooking Club - Ottolenghi

Our next London Cooking Club evening will be on 24th July - "Ottolenghi". 

We will be cooking recipes from two of my favourite cookery books "Ottolenghi The Cookbook" and “Plenty” by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi.

It will be held at my home in Islington, and we may have space for one more person.  Each person will bring a dish and accompanying wine to share - I will coordinate the dishes each person should prepare. 

Please get in touch if you would like to take part, via our London Cooking ClubFacebook page or mail Luiz Hara through the contact page of thelondonfoodie.co.uk.


  1. I can't make this one, but would love to participate in the next one, August or September or whenever you do it!
    x x

  2. Luiz - I can come count me in!

  3. Would also love to join if there's still room!

  4. I would have loved to have done this but sadly would have been a bit of a push to fit it in this weekend - looks like you already have someone now but do consider me next time!

  5. The tart that Dr G made from one of these books was utterly out of this world! Wish we could come to this! Hope you will have a great evening!

  6. Would also love to join. Maybe next time.

  7. @ Kavey - well, I will see you for Reiko's evening though I hope.

    @ Gourmet Chick - you certainly are, and what a salad that was!

    @ Diane - it was a pity you could not join us Diane, but hopefully for one of the new dates? Pls get in touch.

    @ Sarah Maison Cupcake - have a look at the new dates posted until the end of the year, I hope we will have you at one of our evenings soon. Thanks for your comment Sarah.

    @ Fernandez & Leluu - I know, the Caramelized Garlic Tart is quickly becoming his signature dish. Hope you will be able to join us one day.

    @ Fuss Free Flavours - thanks for your comment Helen!


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