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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

A Sneaky Preview of Top 20 London Blogs

London Blogs - A New Blog Category by Wikio

As you may know, Wikio publishes Top Blog Rankings every month on various categories including Gastronomy, Politics, Sports, to name just a few. These rankings are compiled by taking into account the number and weight of incoming links from other blogs or articles. In other words, the ranking position will depend on how well "linked" up a particular blog is within a certain category.

Wikio is now launching a new London Category which will include blogs that reflect the many facets of London Life - culture, haunts, clubs, eateries and more. As with other categories, this aims to create a community that will be the home for similarly themed blogs (including The London Foodie) and a great place to discover some exciting news about the Capital.

I was asked to present you with a sneaky peek at the very first ranking for the Top 20 London Blogs (November 2010), and surprised to find The London Foodie listed. Thanks Wikio!

A full listing will be published on Wikio this coming Friday.

3Going Underground's Blog
6Brockley Central
7diamind geezer
8London Reconnections
9Spitalfields Life
11LondonNet -
13Tired of London, Tired of Life
14The Blackheath Bugle
16The London Foodie
17The Great Wen
18The Greenwich Phantom
19Baroque in Hackney
20Visit London Blog


Ranking made by Wikio


  1. Well done for getting featured Luiz!

  2. Very nice Luiz!
    And thank you for this preview too, now I know many more awesome London websites! xx

  3. Thanks for sharing, but there is no way my blog is better than Londonist...

  4. ...and also, I thought it was odd I hadn't heard of Dezeen, but it doesn't appear to actually be about London.

    Their stated mission is "to bring [us] the best architecture, design and interiors projects from around the world before anyone else", so they would seem to agree.

    With all the others being about London it seems a little odd.

    Well done though!

  5. WOW, Congratulations. You have worked very hard, I can see why your there. I recommend your blog to loads of people looking for places to eat around London. You should feel pround. :)

  6. diaMIND geezer? please...

  7. Great that they're doing a London category - and even more exciting that you're on it. Would love to read more London life blogs so will take a look at some of the ones on this list
    K x

  8. @ May - thanks my dear, I was very surprised by that. I think it might mean I have been taken away from gastronomy, I will find out tomorrow I guess!

    @ Tom - I know, these rankings are sometimes quite odd, I have been ranked in gastronomy for a while now but always wondered by the lack of consistency of these rankings. Never heard of Dezeen either.

    @ Vintage Macaroon - thanks Debbie for the kind words and for recommending my blog.

    @ BA - Why is that BA? I haven't read this site yet but they must have been listed for a reason. Let me visit them now, I will report back...

    @ Salty - hey Kate, I know what you mean, I am afraid to say I didn't know many of these sites. I have just been to Spitafields Life and it is fantastic!


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