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Saturday, 11 September 2010

Picnic at Henley Royal Regatta by Fernandez and Leluu and Ryvita

With days becoming shorter and light winter jackets making a come-back as Autumn inevitably looms, my thoughts go back to the relatively good summer we enjoyed this year. For me, one of the most memorable events this summer was a picnic held at Henley Royal Regatta, organised by Uyen and Simon (of Fernandez and Leluu fame) and sponsored by the good people of Ryvita.

(Pictures courtesy of Greedy Diva)

Joining us on the day were some of my most loved food bloggers - Su-Lin (Tamarind and Thyme), Carly (Greedy Diva), Mimi (Meemalee's Kitchen), Laura (Feast on Scraps) and Rachael (Violets Curd). Simon and Uyen were in charge of the food and what a spread - no tubs of hummus or packs of crisps in sight, but happily, one of the most gastronomic picnics I have ever seen.

(Pictures courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)
An assortment of cold meats including French pork rillette and ham, Spanish Serrano ham, Italian salami and pork and peppercorn pate were the perfect accompaniment to the different types of French cheeses from La Bouche of Broadway Market which were served on Ryvita crispbreads.

(Picture courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)
Fresh fish and seafood, purchased at "Fin and Flounder" also from Broadway Market, were served as "sashimi tuna with a wasabi and soya dressing", while enormous prawns were barbecued on site and accompanied platefuls of fresh, green samphire.

(Pictures courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)
Freshly shucked Northern Rock oysters were served with lemon and Tabasco and were utterly delicious.

(Pictures courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)
A selection of different breads, baguettes, berries and grapes, and a gorgeous Caprese style salad made of yellow and red tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese and basil completed a most magnificent spread. Simon's Russian Salad was one of the biggest hits as was Uyen's strawberry and blueberry trifle made of homemade cake and fruit that had been soaked in plenty of Cointreau and tasted divine.

(Picture Courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)
A few bottles of Laurent Perrier were being knocked about (a big thanks to Su-Lin for topping up my glass with her share, gotta LOVE my teetotal friends) which helped to assuage the scorching heat on the day and wash down Fernandez and Leluu's impeccable food.

(Picture courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)
So entranced were we with the delicious food, champagne and company that we completely missed the race, entering the enclosure about 5 minutes before the end of the event! What a lovely day nevertheless. Many thanks to Fernandez and Leluu, Ryvita and Wild Card PR for inviting me to Henley Royal Regatta.

(Picture courtesy of Fernandez and Leluu)


  1. What a fabulous spread! Looks like a wonderful afternoon. Not sure I'd normally associate ryvitas with picnics though!

  2. Thanks for reminding me of that lovely day! Back when the sun was shining, the birds were singing.... It was such a gorgeous spread, but I thought the tuna sashimi and the samphire were particularly nice touches. I'm looking forward to trying the Fernandez & LeLuu supper club next month.

  3. That was indeed the most amazing picnic ever! Great post - lovely to relive it again!

  4. So happy to have found your blog! I'll visit often ;)

    Laura, HappyHomemakerUK.blogspot.com

  5. @ Sarah - know the feeling and was just as sceptical as you are, but the Ryvitas were excellent with the cheese and charcuterie, they have quite an interesting range too. Well worth a try Sarah!

    @ Greedy Diva- the best part of it was spending the day with you my dear!

    @ Su-Lin - thanks, and thank you for all those lovely glasses of blubbly!

    @ Fernandez and Leluu - indeed it was particularly due to the 1. great food and 2. ace company. Thanks for inviting me Uyen.

    @ Happy Homemaker UK - glad you found me too Laura, don't be a stranger now and thanks for your comment.


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